Milestone One

This page will serve as a canvas on which all in progress and completed works of mine will be verbally deconstructed, described, and digested. Often, works on this page will showcase my current position as an artist and further explain my thinking process. Each piece of art will tell a story that will in return help viewers understand what new techniques I’ve learned and how it relates to digital processes. In my writings, I will make connections between my work and in the real world to demonstrate my active learning of visual and digital processes.

“I must say this place makes me want to go there again and again.”
-Ishan @seefromthesky

For a long did not consider myself to be an artist. In fact, even now I do not. To me, artists are those who can create on a blank canvas specifically with their bare hands. Sometimes, they can even see the finished piece before beginning their work. I usually go with the flow and at times

struggle to create content, but when I do, I liked to create and manipulate images digitally and that to me was not enough to consider myself an artist. While I’ve come a long way from that belief, I still do not consider myself an artist for other reasons, one of which is I just don’t practice my craft enough to do so.

This image of a Maldives 🇲🇻 resort, however, is art. It presents patterns and organic shapes inspired by the colorways assignment. While the image itself does not showcase a variety of color schemes, it does reveal the importance of digital media as it captures every tiny ripple and action in the water as well as the varying yet similar shades and stains of blue that make up the image.

This image is very “me”, the water signifies my calm, cool, and collected Aquarius ♒️ nature with just enough motion while the destination itself signifies my desire to travel to the world’s most beautiful destinations. I do not know a lot about myself as an artist, however, what I’ve known for a long time is that I find peace in visuals and digital imagery, thus through the duration of this course, I have no expectations, but hope to grow and discover myself as an “artist”.
